Posts tagged as

Child Life

Aflac grant helps fund care packages for siblings of children with cancer

The Child Life program at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital has been awarded a 2024 Child Life, Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders grant from the Aflac Childhood Cancer Foundation, Inc. The $1,000 award will help fund psychosocial care packages for siblings of pediatric cancer patients. Research suggests that…

Ambassador Highlight: Isla

Isla Mock was in 4th-grade discovering her passion for sports, taking the field in a dual capacity for soccer and softball, when she faced a life-altering challenge. Two-and-a-half years ago, a traumatic accident threatened not just her future in sports, but in life. Following an ATV accident, Isla’s…

Tiny Hearts, Big Impact: Child Life in the PCICU

The halls of a hospital can be intimidating for young patients facing the unknown. One such patient, a young girl, is brought into a room to receive a CT scan from a technician she’s unfamiliar with. As the machine begins to hum, she feels anxiety, unsure of what…

Filling silence with the sweetest sound

Words can’t do justice to the pain that is felt by families who experience losing a child. In the halls of UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital, a new initiative is underway to help provide additional solace to families grappling with the grief that accompanies such circumstances. Through the…

Child Life program making difference one patient at a time

Talia Mor looked out at the crowd with a huge smile on her face. She was speaking to students from Dance Marathon at the University of Florida. It was as though she was looking at younger versions of herself. After all, Mor was in their shoes not so long ago.

Where does my CMN gift go? | November

CMN Hospitals funds fully support the Child Life program, a team of individuals specially trained and certified to help kids and families cope with hospitalization.

Giving Patients a Christmas Morning

For children who celebrate Christmas, the night before is the longest night of the year. Christmas morning brings the grand reveal of presents under the tree. For the pediatric patients at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital, Santa may not be stopping in their living room—but he will be making his…