At UF Health, our mission is to deliver the highest quality care, educate the next generation of medical leaders and conduct the latest breakthrough research. There are many options to make a charitable gift to support UF Health that won’t leave you worried about your financial security. We want to help you discover how gift planning can benefit you.
See how others are strengthening the future of comprehensive care at UF Health.
A fragile beginning
Planned gifts in support of the neonatal intensive care unit provide hope for the babies in our care and their families, and they ensure your legacy is cemented by helping others who begin their lives in the most difficult circumstances imaginable.

Breath of fresh air
In the wake of tragedy, Leslie Notaro’s remarkable generosity enabled UF Health researchers and physicians to expand the lung transplant program through the use of leading-edge technology.

Big dreams for small patients
For Bob and Sue Lynch of Sebastian, Florida, the scene they witnessed changed their perspectives on cancer treatment.

A legacy of ingenuity
Throughout his career, Khanh Dinh invented resources and devices that successfully solved heat and humidity problems for NASA, Disney and the US Department of Energy. Today, Mr. Dinh is dedicated to helping UF Health researchers uncover solutions to help others survive and recover from a rare disease.

Gifts in your will or trust
Continued ownership and use of all assets with the flexibility to change your plans.
Retirement plan assets
Tax-free lifetime gifts for donors age 70 and a half or older. Avoid leaving your heirs a taxable gift later.
Life insurance policy
Current and possibly future income tax deductions.
Life estate in home or farm
Continued use of property, income tax deduction, eliminate long-term capital gain.
Life income gift
Lifetime payments, income tax deduction now, upfront tax avoidance on long-term capital gain.
Do one of these strategies seem right for you?
Contact us
Reach out to the UF Health Office of Development at 352-265-7237, or the UF Office of Gift Planning at 352-392-5512.