Raising Hope at Work Lunch and Learn Registration

We are excited to share more about the work UF Health Advancement does and how you can continue supporting Raising Hope at Work!

The next lunch and learn will take place Thursday, January 23, from noon-1 p.m. at the Communicore building. An official calendar invite will be sent upon completion of this survey. We will have several guest speakers, and lunch will be provided!

Please note: We are currently only offering the event in person. However, this is subject to change for future RHW lunch and learn events.

Contact Details


Event Details

Select the Lunch and Learn date you plan to attend:(Required)
Future dates will be added as confirmed.
Will you attend in-person, or virtually via Zoom?(Required)
Feel free to bring additional attendees from your department and note the total number in your response.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.