Why are employees being asked to contribute?
The Raising Hope at Work employee giving campaign provides UF Health Shands and UF College of Medicine faculty and staff members the opportunity to engage in our culture of philanthropy. Your participation signals a continued commitment to caring for each other and our community while helping to further our mission.
How do I sign up for a team?
Your department or unit decides your team. By making a gift, your contribution is tallied to your team. Check giving.UFHealth.org/champions to find your team Champion!
How are departments recognized for their participation?
We will be awarding the top 3 units by participation percentage. Participation is defined as either enrolling in payroll deductions or making a one-time cash/credit card donation during the campaign. A team’s participation percentage is based on how many individuals participate divided by the total number of individuals within a unit/department. Since departments vary in size, the top team in the following tiers will be named a winner.
- Tier 1 – 1-25 employees
- Tier 2 – 26-50 employees
- Tier 3 – 51-100+ employees
- Tier 4 – 100 employees
How do I enroll in recurring payroll deductions online?
Visit giving.UFHealth.org/RHWpayroll and log in to the UF Advancement Hub using your Gatorlink or Shands credentials. You will need to be on the VPN to access this site. After logging in, you will be on the landing page for payroll deductions, where you can designate the amount and fund for your gift.
How long will recurring payroll deductions continue after enrollment?
You can cancel your deduction at any time by logging into the deduction form site – giving.ufhealth.org/RHWpayroll – using your Gatorlink or Shands credentials. Once you enroll in payroll deductions through the UF Advancement Hub, deductions will continue until you notify UF Health Advancement or University of Florida Foundation, Inc., to either cancel or change the above deduction or if there is a change in employment status.
I am experiencing difficulty in making my gift online. Can you assist?
Troubleshooting tips:
Payroll Deduction Site
- DUO Two-Step Authentication: When logging into the payroll deduction hub, you will be asked to enter your Shands or Gatorlink credentials. You will also need to complete two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication ensures your login is more secure by requiring two methods to verify your identity. Thank you for completing this extra step to protect your private information.
- If you have never used UF’s DUO Two-Step Authentication before, you will need to first be enrolled in the system.
- Go to https://it.ufl.edu/2fa/get-started/ to begin enrollment.
- Select either UF Health JAX Enroll, UF Health GNV Enroll (for Shands employees) or UF GatorLink Enroll depending on which category fits your employment status.
- Log in using your Shands or GatorLink credentials.
- Select Two-Factor Authentication Management and follow the steps to enroll.
- Decide which authentication method you prefer (a phone call, a push notification, or you can enter a passcode generated by the DUO App).
- Contact Brianna Linkfield, blin0003@shands.ufl.edu, if you have any additional questions.
- Fund Choice: This year, all staff can choose which UF Health fund they would like to direct their gift towards. There are many fund options. If you are unsure which fund to choose, here are some suggestions:
- Connect with your Champion to find out your department/unit’s priority fund.
- Choose to give to one of our areas of greatest need funds:
- UF Health Shands – 002511
- Dean’s Preeminence Scholarship Fund – 019951
- Web browser: Some users accessing the credit card form using the Microsoft Edge web browser have reported difficulties. Please be sure to use the Firefox or Google Chrome web browser to access the giving page and payroll deduction form.
If you have other difficulties while making your contribution, please contact us at RaisingHopeatWork@shands.ufl.edu
What other incentives are a part of the campaign?
Individually, donors can receive the following:
- A Raising Hope at Work lightbulb-shaped stress ball and a badge sticker when:
- Making a gift of any size
- A Raising Hope at Work badge reel when:
- Becoming one of the first 100 individuals to donate $25 or more
- A mystery box gift when:
- Making any $25 to $50 contribution
- A pair of compression socks when:
- Making a payroll deduction of $3 or more per pay period, or
- Making a $50 one-time gift to the Children’s Hospital Renovation Fund
- A Raising Hope at Work fleece jacket when:
- Participating in the “Hour of Power” program
- Contributing more than $1,000 during the campaign
What is the “Hour of Power” program?
By pledging to donate one hour of your pay each pay period, you join the “Hour of Power” program. “Hour of Power” donors will receive special recognition and gifts, including a Raising Hope at Work branded fleece jacket, to celebrate their commitment! Visit giving.UFHealth.org/RHWpayroll to learn more and enroll.
Will I get the same benefits offered to “Hour of Power” donors if I give more than an hour of pay during each pay period?
Donors who contribute $1,000 during the campaign through either cash/credit card gifts or payroll deductions will also receive a Raising Hope at Work fleece jacket.
To what extent are campaign gifts tax-deductible?
Gifts to the campaign are tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by law.