What do pets do while their parents are away?
Find out as Max, a little kitten who loves to play, enjoys a fun day of big adventures!
By purchasing the children’s book “Max’s Big Day,” you support UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine. All proceeds go directly toward UF Health’s program that transforms the hospital experience for patients by promoting health and wellness through the arts.
Together, we can harness the transformative power of arts for health.
Founded in 1990, UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine (AIM) is a multidisciplinary organization with visual, literary, and performing arts programs. AIM serves patients of all ages, their families, visitors, health care providers, and the Gainesville and statewide communities. The program facilitates arts activities, workshops and performances in three hospitals and numerous outpatient clinics. It is known internationally as one of the leaders in the field of arts in healthcare.