Our three collegiate Dance Marathon programs completed yet another impressive year-long fundraising effort for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital. Between Dance Marathon at UF, Dance Marathon at FSU and OwlThon FAU — along with impressive support from respective middle and high school participation — the programs announced a total of $3,996,231.52 for the 2021-22 academic year.
During its 26.2-hour event, DM at UF raised money around the clock to reach their final total of $2,334,217.21. Keeping their feet moving during themed hours, 1,400 students rallied together to “Choose Change.” The festivities included several DJs, the University of Florida Fightin’ Gator Marching Band, dueling pianos and a hypnotist.
In March, DM at FSU added $1,554,156.14 to the total. In its 27th year, DM at FSU continued its commitment to “Change Kids’ Health, Change the Future.” Students were split into two teams — gold and garnet — during the three-day #NoMatterWhat celebration. The event culminated with a 20-hour shift.
Finally, OwlThon FAU capped off the Dance Marathon season with $107,858.17 raised. The 13.1-hour event marked the first in-person main event at Florida Atlantic University since 2019. Dancer engagement was high, and five miracle families were able to attend the celebration.
Thank you to our dancers, students, advisors and donors who supported and participated on behalf of CMN Hospitals at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital!