Lauren is the sole survivor of triplets. She was born 14 ½ weeks early, weighing only 1 pound 12 ounces and she was about 12 inches long. Her brother Matthew was born that day as well; however, he survived less than 24 hours. Their sister Lily died before birth. Lauren struggled for 89 days during her stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Level 3 at Shands Children’s Hospital at the University of Florida. During her hospital stay, she was placed on a respirator for nearly three weeks. In addition, Lauren suffered from sepsis, a serious infection. She fought her battle with the wonderful help of a team of UF physicians and Shands staff. She gained a nickname in the unit, “Baby Houdini.” Each time she was swaddled, she worked herself free and pressed her tiny face to the side of her incubator.
Lauren is truly a success story, her doctors can trace no residual effects of her extreme prematurity. She enjoys life to the fullest, through gymnastics, ballet, soccer and piano. She has the daring aspiration to be a jet pilot when she grows up. Today, Lauren is a thriving young girl and she continues to amaze her parents with her joy of life and infectious personality.