Celebrity Waiter Night Celebrates an Award-Winning Night

CWNtrophyCelebrity Waiter Night raised $217,391.21 for Shands Hospital for Children at the University of Florida on May 16 in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium’s Touchdown Terrace. More than 290 people celebrated An Award Winning Night honoring the tremendous support of our sponsors! Named after Senator William A. Shands, the golden Billy Award was presented to each sponsor as a token of our appreciation.

More than 100 Shands employees and UF physicians participated in the night’s activities, either performing in one of four musical acts, serving as a waiter or bartender or assisting in choreography and set design. Teams performed excerpts from award categories of Best Country Music Performance, Best Animated Movie, Best Musical Review and Best Song from a Movie. Check out this video for a sampling of the fun!

Thank you to the captains and teams who helped make this year a success: Facilities, Finance, Human Resources, Managed Care, Legal, Information Services, Marketing and Public Relations, Nursing, Operations, Pharmacy, Rehab and Pediatric Physicians.

In its 26 years, Celebrity Waiter Night has raised $2.5 million for Shands kids!

About the Author


Sean Jeng

Sean got his first taste of web development when he saw his friend building an HTML web page to display Dungeons & Dragons character statistics.…

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