Namings and Memorials Request Form Namings and memorials form requests handled by the UF Health Advancement Donor Relations team. Development Officer or Requestor* First Name Last Name Submitted By First Name Last Name Submitter Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Need-by Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Is this a naming or memorial?* Naming Memorial Naming opportunities may be appropriate to recognize a donor whose financial contributions have supported the institution in meaningful ways. Gift Naming opportunities may also arise at the request of a donor who, in connection with a gift, wishes to honor or memorialize someone significant to the donor. Memorials are a plaque or other physical device used to recognize or memorialize a person or entity or to name a physical space. What is this naming for? Academic Unit Facility Outdoor Area Program Site Space Academic Unit: any college, school, center, institute, department, or other academic, research, or administrative program unit Facility: any building, structure of permanence such as a stadium or tunnel, a major structural component of a building or any such structure such as a wing, floor, or central atrium, or a space within a building that is significant because of its size relative to the whole building or because it serves a significant academic, athletic, administrative, or public functionOutdoor Area: any outdoor area and wholly outdoor structures such as a landscaped area, field, water body, bridge, patio, deck, or roadProgram: any academic, research, or service programSite: any whole campus or any educational, research, recreational, athletic, service, or extension siteSpace: any non-structural space within a Facility such as an office, conference room, or non-structural common areaIs this a new or existing facility? New Existing Is this a new or existing space? New Existing Do you already have floor plans with identified nameable spaces and assigned amounts? Yes No What type of naming is this? Entity Gift Honorary Entity Naming: a Gift Naming for any corporation or other organizationGift Naming: any naming for a donor or, at the request of a donor, for a third party, in connection with a giftHonorary Naming: a naming to honor or memorialize an individual’s significant contributions, but not in connection with a specific giftHas your unit VP/Dean/Director approved the naming opportunities? Yes No Has your unit VP/Dean/Director approved the list of prospects? Yes No Have you had any preliminary conversations with donors about the naming? Yes No Do you have any appointments scheduled with donors to discuss the naming? Yes No When is the appointment? MM slash DD slash YYYY Who is the memorial for? Has your unit VP/Dean/Director approved the Memorial? Yes No Is there already a concept for the Memorial (size, material, design, method of attachment)? Yes No Is there already wording for the Memorial? Yes No Is there an identified source of funds for the creation of the Memorial? Yes No Is there an identified source of funds for maintenance of the Memorial? Yes No Additional Comments