Harrell Medical Education Bldg

College of Medicine: Scholarship Survey

If you have questions, please contact Ann Koralewski in the Office of Development & Alumni Affairs at aooton@ufl.edu or 352.627.7754.

Bio Information

Preferred Name
University of Florida ID Number
Which pronouns do you prefer?(Required)
What is your current school classification?(Required)

Prior Education Information

Tell Us About Yourself

First year students can skip this question.
Required for first year students.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, tiff, png, pdf, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    Please upload a clear, recent photo showing your face, which will be included with the Thank You note to your donor.

    Thanking Your Scholarship Donor

    Multi-purpose opt-out
    If you do not wish for your responses to be shared in other ways, such as newsletters, magazines, social media, web, or other communications pieces, check this box to opt-out. Note: Your responses will still be shared in a thank you card to your scholarship donor(s).
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.