No Tricks – Just Treats!
This Halloween, get your family’s costume at your local Spirit Halloween store and support your local children’s hospital. Now through October 31, all of Spirit Halloween’s stores are conducting in-store fundraising campaigns, raising $1 at a time to support local children’s hospitals. At the end of each season, every dollar collected is given directly to Child Life departments.
Since 2006, Spirit of Children has helped make hospitals less scary for kids and their families, raising over $127 million to Child Life programs at local children’s hospitals. #SpiritOfChildren champions the extraordinary work of Child Life Specialists who focus on emotional and therapeutic healing through play, activities and distraction techniques while nurses and doctors concentrate on medical treatment.
These locations are supporting UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital:
6861 W Newberry Rd
Former Office Depot
Gainesville, FL 32605
(855) 704-2669
2606 SW College Rd, 1B
Former Tuesday Morning
Ocala, FL 34471
(855) 704-2669
Bring in the coupon below to get 10 percent off your entire purchase (online and in-store) and Spirit will give 10 percent to UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital.