Christine Cassisi, Director of Patient Experience, came up with this brilliant idea to raise money for Raising Hope at Work.
Quality employees were asked to wear their favorite Hawaiian shirt or muumuu. If you didn’t wear a Hawaiian shirt you had to pay a 25-cent fine. Everyone was told to bring at least $1 in dimes to vote in the contest.
Categories included:
- You’re a nice person but I wouldn’t be caught wearing it
- Why that’s lovely
- Is that a real pattern or am I hallucinating?
- Don Ho is smiling down on you.
Selected winners of categories:
- Anne Meiring
- Freddie Mae Crawford
- Julie Richter
- Kati Harlan.
Overall winner was Freddie Mae Crawford with the most money raised. Randy Harmatz awarded each participant with fresh flower leis. OJ Ganesh also entertained us with Hawaiian music on his Ukulele.