Are you looking for festive activities to keep your little ones busy this holiday season? With time off from school—and a lot more time at home—it can become a daunting task keeping children entertained and engaged. Check out these do-it-yourself crafts for all ages!
Felt Christmas Tree

This project is entirely simple. All you have to do is cut out your tree from about 1 yard of green felt. Use your choice of additional colors of felt for the ornaments, the star on the top and even presents at the bottom. If you would like to add bows to the presents or decorations onto the ornaments, you can use hot glue to hold the pieces together.
The tree can be secured to the wall using small thumb tacks or 3 mm tape.
Macaroni Menorah

For this macaroni menorah all you need is dry macaroni, dry lentils, white glue, cotton bud, red crepe paper and some cardboard. Start by making the candles with some small pieces of red crepe paper. Roll them between your fingers until they are thin enough to fit inside the macaroni. Once you have made nine candles, paste them onto the card to make a Menorah. Use two pieces of macaroni for the shamash. Using white glue and a cotton bud, paint on the rest of the menorah and decorate using dry lentils. Then, cut out and glue onto cardboard.
Brown Bag Rudolph

Use the following materials to tape or glue your face, antlers, ears and collar on your very own Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer puppet!
Brown pipe cleaners
Brown paper bags
Brown scrap paper- for ears, snout, under mouth
Pink scrap paper- for tongue
Red scrap paper- for collar
Red pom pom(s) for- Shiny Nose
Gold Glitter poms- for jingle bells to collar
Oogley eyes
Snow Globe

For this handmade snow globe, all you will need a small figuring, water-resistant glue, glitter, a jar with a lid and water.
Start by gluing the small figurine to the center of the inside of the jar lid. Cover the bottom of the jar with glitter and fill the jar with water. Glue the lid to the jar and seal it tight. Now flip the jar so the lid becomes the base, and you have your very own snow globe!
Paint Sample Christmas Tree Ornament

Ever wonder what to do with those extra paint sample cards? For this project, you will need some in shades of green and brown, as well as scissors, craft glue, ribbon and any decorating items you would like (stickers, buttons, construction paper).
Cut your paint sample into a triangle shape and cut a small rectangle from a brown paint sample. Glue it to the bottom of your tree to look like the tree trunk. Decorate your tree with your decorative items; you can cut out a star from construction paper and glue to the top of your tree. Cut a piece of ribbon 6 inches long and tie the two ends of the ribbon together to form a loop out of the ribbon. Attach the loop to the back of the tree with craft glue and let it dry completely.
Peppermint Ornament
For this ornament, you’ll need white paper plates (heavy duty plates work best), red craft paint or a big red sharpie, glue, red glitter glue, spray glitter, a roll of cellophane (cut into 19×19 pieces) and ribbon. All you have to do is paint or draw your peppermint on the back side of the plates and outline with the glitter glue. Then glue the plates together so the backsides are showing and coat the sides with spray glitter. Next wrap the plates in cellophane and tie the ends with ribbon. You can use a hole-punch and extra ribbon to make it an ornament.